Sunday, August 23, 2020

What is lost...

You know what I miss? The days when you could post a topic that was controversial, provocative, steeped in conjecture and conspiracy mixed with a minutiae of facts for the sole purpose of conversation. Now-a-days at the mere mention of something outside of the norm the naysayers and fact checkers are quick to point their fingers, call blasphemy, wag their tongues in mockery, and call foul as they hide behind a mask of intolerance and offense.

I miss dialogue where you could discuss touchy subjects in an effort to understand and grow as a human being without the conversation spiraling into hostility and pointless name calling while each side touts victory by reporting the other to the social media gods and resorting to childish victories of blocking someone they once called 'friend'.

I miss the days when it was ok to be wrong because that is a part of life and the only way you will learn. 

I miss true conversation and the unity of heart and mind and the pursuitof knowledge.

I miss compassion and strength and solidarity.

I miss diversity. 

Life is about lessons and this is one of the hardest to learn.  Stay in a vacuum of silence where censorship rules (all in the name of the 'greater good')? Or seek a solitary path in search of others who do not take offense at the slightest misstep born of innocence all in the pursuit of knowledge?

I will always choose to surround myself with those who are not afraid to speak their minds and will keep those minds open to other ideas, cultures, and viewpoints. I will always turn away from those that seek only to hold themselves above others with their bigotry and over inflated sense of self.

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