Tuesday, September 5, 2023

In Honor of Poe


In the chamber, dimly lit, Where shadows dance and spirits flit, I sit alone, my soul aflame, Entangled in a macabre game.

The midnight hour, it tolls its chime, A dirge that marks the end of time, And in this cryptic, eerie space, I find myself in a dark embrace.

A raven perched upon the door, Its ebony plumes, a cloak it wore, It spoke of omens, dread and dire, And set my heart and soul on fire.

The flickering candle's feeble light, Casts eerie shapes into the night, And whispers from the crypts below, Haunt my thoughts with tales of woe.

A portrait on the wall, so fair, A visage twisted by despair, Its eyes, they follow as I roam, In this unholy, haunted home.

The pendulum swings, a deadly blade, A specter of death, an ominous shade, It counts the moments, one by one, As my existence comes undone.

In this gothic, somber room, I'm trapped in sorrow, grief, and gloom, Like Poe of old, I too descend, Into the darkness, without end.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Love's Burden to Bear


In the heart's secret chambers, love does bloom, A tale of longing in the quiet's gloom. She loves her best friend, with a heart so pure, Yet he's bound to another, love's complex allure.

A friendship like no other, strong and true, Their souls entwined in skies of endless blue. She cherishes his laughter, his secret smiles, Yet her heart aches in silence, through endless miles.

He wears a ring of promise, a bond so tight, To another woman, his eternal light. But her love for him, it knows no end, A fragile ember in the darkness, her dearest friend.

In the shadows, her heart quietly weeps, A love forbidden, her secret she keeps. She watches from afar, his happiness grow, Though it's with another, her love continues to flow.

Her love's a silent whisper, a hidden song, A love that's steady, deep, and strong. For love knows not the boundaries we draw, It dances freely, obeying no law.

In the depths of her soul, her love takes flight, A love for her best friend, pure as starlight. Though his heart belongs to another's care, She'll cherish their friendship, love's burden to bear.

For love, it knows no bounds, nor understands, It blooms in the heart, like grains of sand. A woman's love, a best friend's plight, In the shadows of the heart, it shines so bright.

Saturday, September 2, 2023

An Unrequited Love

In the depths of night, my heart does pine, For a love unreturned, a love not mine. A silent ache, a bittersweet despair, Unrequited love, a burden hard to bear.

I watched you from afar, like a distant star, Your radiance shining, from where you are. But in your eyes, I found no reflection, Of the love I felt, a one-sided affection.

I wrote you letters, with words so true, But you never read them, never had a clue. My love remained hidden, a secret well-kept, In the chambers of my heart, where it silently wept.

I longed for your touch, your tender embrace, But you walked away, leaving no trace. And yet, I loved you, with all my might, Though you were the day, and I the endless night.

Unrequited love, a painful art, It tears at the soul, it rips it apart. But still, I cherish the moments we shared, Even though you never truly cared.

For in this love unreturned, I found my grace, A bittersweet lesson in this endless chase. To love without expectation, without demand, Is to love in its purest form, so grand.

So, I'll carry this love, like a sacred dove, In the chambers of my heart, forever to love. For though it's unrequited, and may never be, It's a testament to the depth of love in me.

Sunday, August 20, 2023



In twilight's tender, soft embrace we meet,

Where stars above our secrets sweetly keep,

A love that blooms like flowers kissed by dawn,

In your gaze, all my doubts and fears are gone.


Your smile, a sunbeam in the darkest night,

Guiding me through life's labyrinthine flight,

Your laughter, like a melody so pure,

In your arms, I find a love that's sure.


With every heartbeat, our souls intertwine,

A symphony of love, so divine,

Your touch, a whisper that ignites my skin,

In your embrace, all of life's joys begin.


Through life's twists and turns, I'll stand by your side,

In your love, my heart and soul abide,

For you are my forever, my endless dream,

In your love's embrace, I am redeemed.