Saturday, September 2, 2023

An Unrequited Love

In the depths of night, my heart does pine, For a love unreturned, a love not mine. A silent ache, a bittersweet despair, Unrequited love, a burden hard to bear.

I watched you from afar, like a distant star, Your radiance shining, from where you are. But in your eyes, I found no reflection, Of the love I felt, a one-sided affection.

I wrote you letters, with words so true, But you never read them, never had a clue. My love remained hidden, a secret well-kept, In the chambers of my heart, where it silently wept.

I longed for your touch, your tender embrace, But you walked away, leaving no trace. And yet, I loved you, with all my might, Though you were the day, and I the endless night.

Unrequited love, a painful art, It tears at the soul, it rips it apart. But still, I cherish the moments we shared, Even though you never truly cared.

For in this love unreturned, I found my grace, A bittersweet lesson in this endless chase. To love without expectation, without demand, Is to love in its purest form, so grand.

So, I'll carry this love, like a sacred dove, In the chambers of my heart, forever to love. For though it's unrequited, and may never be, It's a testament to the depth of love in me.

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