Thursday, July 11, 2024

Random Thoughts

Fun with layouts. 

Looking at these one may think they are done by different people.

Unless of course you know me. Then you would recognize my style and variety.

Throughout college amd even filtering into after college, all the self proclaimed gurus will tell young creators - do one thing and do it well.

Thankfully, I am not a 2-dimensional thinker, doer, or believer.

A follower on deviantArt, and a stock artist I truly admire, once called me a modern Renaissance artist. Little did he know how that one comment would stick with me even to this day. Because to me, the Renaissance artists were my mentors and to be compared to their philosophy...well I can't even find the words to express how that made me feel.

I do understand the idea. Do one thing and do it well. And I do strive to be the best at that one thing. And that one thing is to create.

If I were to analyze myself, I would say it filters into even the day to day.

Let's break it further down and rewrite this statement. 

Be the best you can possibly be with everything you do. 

Doesn't mean you have to be #1. There will always be someone better, someone stronger, someone nicer, someone more generous, someone more successful. 

But none of that should stop you from being the best version of you.

Be the best you can be at whatever you do. Doesnt matter if you're dead last. If that's your best, be proud of it because you gave it your all.

So I try new things. I succeed or I fail. And I learn. I either try again or try something new. But I try. And I show up, do the work, and continue to be the best I am. My competition is not you. Never was. Never will be. 

I am trying to be better than the me I was yesterday. 

Do one thing..? I will do many things. My followers are not 2-dimensional. Why would you expect me to be?


Sunday, June 30, 2024


Social media is strange. It creates an illusion of oneself that only shows part of who a person is. And many are too concerned with show boating and glossing over all of the ugly bits to paint a prettier picture of who they are and how they live.

We are all flawed.

Bits and pieces of our history are littered across our flesh and minds. Jagged edges that are too easily glossed over with a filter provided by AI programs.

A fantasy world we accept without question.

The many flock to mimic patterns from a few who “made it” in the eyes in the kingdom of the apps.


Yet who are they influencing? And who influenced whom?

Ponies marched to the roadside carnival show. All standing with their hands out hoping for a few pennies to be tossed their way.

Am I any different as I pander my goods, showcasing my wares like any snake oil salesman that comes into town.

Be authentic, they say. Talk about your hobbies and your passions. Engagement is key.

My hobbies are cooking and biking. My passions are art and writing.

To discuss the former goes against “branding” yet to discuss the latter is being a braggart.

Separate the two. Choose either art, or writing. Never both. Never on the same page.

Stop the sales pitch.

Promote your worth.

You cannot have it both ways and must choose one over the other.

Therein lies the internal struggle.

Yet where does the showman end and the authenticity begin?

Dual personalities yet both are cut from the same cloth. Different sides of the same coin.

Which do you prefer?

Which are you willing to believe?

I am neither and I am both.

I am more than just a meme shared to generate a laugh.

You see what I allow you to see.

Just as I see what you allow others to see.

Where does fantasy end, and reality begin?
